Journey to Paradice
Created in 48 hours for GTMK 2022 Jam by Magpie, Eurus and W35.
Theme: Roll of the Dice
Make your way through the six trials in order to reach Paradice. You must defeat all the enemies to progress.
Select higher dice than your opponent to deal damage equal to the difference. Once you have defeated all the enemies you can progress to another side and gain another dice!
Running low on health? Click the heal button when roaming the world to re-roll the world and regain your health at the cost of respawning all enemies! You keep all the dice you gained, though and you'll even get more for completing more sides.
- Go right after you clear your first side! ;)
- If a battle is looking a little one sided and you're low on health, you can run from the fight...
Use W,A,S,D to move. Left click to select dice.
- JohnLoser - Cyber Punch 02
- "Darkest Child" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Environment art assets: kenny.nl
- Dice by Poly by Google [CC-BY], via Poly Pizza
JourneyToParadice_PC_2 (2).zip 37 MB
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I like this master magpie
Running into 2 golems on side 2 is just not fair... lol
Haha! If you go right first, there are only 2 enemies and no golems ;)
I beat it with only 1 heal!
Congrats! :)
Great game ! The music quand the visuals fit very nicely together. The gamepay is a bit slow for me but i really like the idea ! Kudos !
Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it! :D
I played it to the end. Nice idea, but wouldn't play it again.
I found my winner! :)
This game is awesome!
Wow, thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it :)